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人大附中杭州学校由人大附中联合总校、中国人民大学附属中学(简称“人大附中”)联手英国国王学院学校(King’s College School, Wimbledon,简称”KCS”)共同创办。学校将承袭人大附中“创造适合每个学生发展的教育”宗旨,同时引进国王学院学校的教育理念与管理经验,通过**的教育质量、丰富的课内外活动、完善的学生关顾体系,为3-18 岁中外籍学生构建一个融贯中西教育、关注个体成长的学习共同体,培养具有民族根基、国际视野,富有创新精神、协作能力及社会责任感的未来青年**。


RDFZ King’s College School Hangzhou was founded through partnership between world class schools – The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China (commonly abbreviated as RDFZ), The United RDFZ Group of Schools, and King’s College School, Wimbledon.

RDFZ King’s College School Hangzhou aims to create a learning community that integrates the best of international and Chinese education. RDFZ’s mission to provide differentiated education, combined with the holistic educational philosophy at King’s, underpin the ethos of our school.

We strive to educate Chinese and international pupils aged 3-18 years to be innovative and collaborative, whilst appreciating their own and other cultures and traditions. They will understand the importance of a global view in order to make a positive contribution to society in the future.

Officially opening in September 2018, RDFZ King’s College School Hangzhou is located in the Hangzhou Future Sci-Tech City, in Zhejiang Province, China. At full capacity, the school will cater for more 3,200 students from kindergarten through to Grade 12.

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