

重庆 / 民办-学前

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Enterprise Introduction

辰星教育集团是一家致力于重庆优质学前教育发展,引进国际学前教育理念,融合中外教育课程的国际化教育投资集团。集团20年来,发展高端幼儿园十六所(辰星幼儿园)和4所高端早教中心(辰星儿童成长空间)。 Morning Star Education Group mainly focuses on providing high quality early childhood education by integrating the world’s advanced leading pedagogies into the local teaching circumstance. It currently owns 16 high quality Morning Star kindergartens and 4 Morning Star early learning centers. 

集团与重庆幼教知名品牌南坪实验幼儿园建立了长期合作关系,是南坪实验幼儿园**授权使用该品牌的教育集团。Our Group has established a long-term partnership with Chongqing Nanping Experimental Kindergarten, which is the leading kindergarten in Chongqing. Our company is the only one certified to use the branding.

同时我们也是北美幼教协会会员单位、美国NAEYC协会成员、重庆市妇幼卫生协会会员单位,并与加拿大知名大学“加拿大凯布莱恩学院和加拿大圣克莱尔学院”开展深度战略合作。未来集团仍然以打造孩子、家庭、社区为中心的”辰星”品牌幼儿园和辰星儿童成长空间早教学校,为孩子健康快乐成长提供支持和服务。Meanwhile, We are also a member of North American Preschool Education Association a member of NAEYC, and a member of Chongqing Maternal and Child Health AssociationIn addition, we have established deeply strategic cooperation with the Canada Universities ---Canada Cambrian College and Canada St. Clair College. In the future, we will continue to establish more Morning Star Kindergartens and Early Learning Centers that focus on the children, families and the communities, to support every child’s happy and healthy development.

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